Sattvic Pumpkin Soup

Sattvic Pumpkin Soup

The sattvic diet has steadily gained popularity worldwide but is followed by many Indians for more than 5000 years. This diet is derived from the ancient texts of Ayurveda and Yogic literature. These works of literature classify all foods into three major categories based on virtues – sattvic, tamasic and rajasic.

Tamasic foods are the ones which make you lethargic and also make you destructive and unproductive. Rajasic foods make you hyperactive, and very passionate. People who consume Rajasic food tend to be hypersensitive to their surroundings and are at an emotional high.

Sattvic foods help you stay calm and relaxed and in control of what you say or do. They promote peace, non-violence, keep you active and conscious of your behavior. A better way to put these qualities is “sage-like”.  Sattvic pumpkin soup is made by cooking vegetables (optional) in a pumpkin puree base. It is flavored by spices.

Sattvic food is filled with meals that are considered as a gift of nature, including seasonal fruits, grains, nuts, dry fruits and vegetables. They also include dairy products, like ghee, milk, butter, cream, etc, but are strictly vegetarian, and are void of any meat-based foods. They don’t even include eggs in any diets.

The main reason for this being, Sattva promoting the fact that all lives, including those of animals, are equal. They make sure no other living beings are harmed for making our food. From this amazing tradition, we bring you the sattvic pumpkin soup. A perfect soup to be made during Thanksgiving season, it is wholesome, rich in flavour, warm and nourishing.

This recipe is quite popular in India, as pumpkins grow all year round in the country. Each region has a variety of pumpkins available, like greenish-yellow to orange or even white pumpkins, each used to prepare various dishes. They make an assortment of dishes like soups, curries or even sweet delicacies. 

Pumpkins soups are not limited to any region or place in the world. Relished in America, Australia, Republic of Haiti, Vietnam, African countries, Western Europe and South Asia, each of this place have their unique touch, made differently with a wide variety of unique ingredients.

A dish to enjoy on a cold windy evening, this delicious creamy soup, also is extremely nutritious. We have provided you with a rich flavored Sattvic pumpkin soup, to try this holiday season.


(Quantities are mentioned for a serving of 4 to 5 portions)

  • One large pumpkin
  • About two cups of water
  • One teaspoon of ghee or clarified butter
  • One cup of chopped vegetables of your choice (carrot, cabbage, beans, potato, peas, etc.)
  • Half a teaspoon of pepper powder
  • One and a half teaspoon of cinnamon
  • A spoon of teaspoon cumin powder
  • Two teaspoons of curry powder
  • About 4 to 5 cloves (ground it to powder if needed)
  • About half a litre of vegetable stock. 
  • 300 ml of almond milk or coconut milk
  • A pinch of nutmeg powder
A delicious and healthy way to keep warm during the cold months.

Note: The vegetable stock is readily available in stores, but it is perfectly easy to make it at home. All you have to do is to simmer some largely chopped vegetables in water for a while, and then remove those vegetables.

Try avoiding flavour rich vegetables like beetroot, which tend to leave a distinctive taste to the vegetable stock. This might overpower the taste of the pumpkin soup.

Use carrots, beans, cabbages, broccoli, spinach, etc. (any vegetables of your choice excluding onion, leeks, garlic, etc. As these are not used to prepare Sattvic food) for making the stock. If you want it to be slightly thicker in consistency, you can use potatoes as they release starch.


  1. Wash the pumpkin in water. Cut it into two halves and remove all the seeds from it.
  2. Place the halves face down in a big baking pan, and pour water around it. 
  3. Cover the pan with a foil and heat in the oven for about half an hour. This is done to make sure the pumpkin becomes soft and tender and makes it easier to cut into smaller pieces.
  4. Remove the pan from the oven and let the pumpkin cool down for a few minutes. Remove the outer rind of the pumpkin and chop the pumpkin into blocks.
  5. In a large pan, pour in the ghee and heat for a few minutes until it melts and is hot. Once it reaches very thin consistency on heating, add in the chopped vegetables (optional) and all the spices into the pan (check the ingredients above for the list of spices).
  6. Sauté the contents for about 5 minutes. If the contents of the pan are too dry, add a little portion of the vegetable stock. 
  7. Next, add the chopped pumpkin pulp blocks and cook for another five minutes, and stir continuously.
  8. Add the remaining stock and boil the mixture. Once it starts to boil, simmer for about 10 minutes.
  9. Use a blender or a food processor to grind the mixture into a fine and smooth puree. As you blend, add the almond milk little by little, to make it creamier. By adding almond milk little by little, you will be able to adjust the consistency of the pumpkin soup. 
  10. Once the soup reaches uniform consistency, reheat the soup if needed. Garnish the soup with a sprig of mint or a bunch of parsley. The soup is best served when hot.

Tips To Make Your Pumpkin Soup Better:


Make sure the pumpkin is properly cooked and is very soft and tender. Irrespective of how much you blend, if the pumpkin is under-cooked, the mixture will have bits and pieces of the pulp and never form a puree. It will also taste raw.


It’s essential to cool the mixture for a few minutes before blending it. This ensures the puree is smooth, fine and has a uniform consistency. Another great way is to filter the soup using a strainer to remove tiny unwanted bits of the remaining pulp. 


If you would like to make a vegan-friendly version of the soup, replace the ghee with some olive oil. Add a drizzle of olive oil and roast the blocks of pumpkin pulp, chopped onions and spices in it and then add the vegetable stock.


You can change the consistency of the soup by changing the quantity of the coconut milk or the almond milk, or even the vegetable stock, depending on whether you prefer a thinner or a thick soup. To make it thinner in consistency, just increase the quantity of the milk and vegetable stock.

Roasting Pumpkin

The alternative to simmering the blocks of pumpkin, you can also roast the pumpkin on the pan before adding the vegetable stock. This makes the soup richer and sweeter without losing its aromatic flavor.

Get Creative

There is no fixed set of spices you have to use to make the pumpkin soup. You can add some chillies to make it spicier, or use ginger and turmeric for flavor. For garnishing, you can add rosemary, basil or thyme into the mix.  It is totally left to your preference.

The recipe we provided is for a bowl of plain pumpkin soup. But you can add an assortment of vegetables as well to the soup. A few diced carrots or even steamed cauliflower goes well with the soup.

Different Milk

Between Almond milk and Coconut milk, almond milk is nutritionally rich and the healthier of the two. But Coconut milk gives it a creamier and delicious taste. Alternatively, you could use Coconut cream as well.

Make A Meal Of It

Pumpkin soup is a great appetizer on its own. But it can also be served with some quick snacks in the side, to complement the soup. Few of our suggestions we think would be ideal choices are- toasted bread or grilled cheese sandwich.

A tasty snack to keep up your energy through the day!

Nutritional Benefits Of Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkins are a rich source of antioxidants. It is known for their high vitamin content, it is essential for boosting your immunity. They are also rich in dietary fiber and help in proper digestion.

Also, low on calories, it is good for weight control. This warm and aromatic soup is perfect for the winter season. Filled with a variety of spices and herbs, which help your body fight against flu or other similar sicknesses, this recipe is a must-try. 

Hemali Ramchandani

My name is Hemali and I am passionate about sustainable eating! With my education and career in nutrition, I hope that I can show you that having a healthy mindset for your eating habits does not need to be boring.

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